The Impact Ball golf swing training aid teaches your whole game by developing feel with no mechanical thoughts, by encouraging you to keep your arms and body working together. When holding the Impact ball with your forearms and making a full golf swing, it trains your body mechanics during the golf swing so that your arms are in sync with the body during the takeaway and throughout the downswing. Beginner golfers can practice with the Impact Ball golf swing trainer to improve their putting, chipping, pitching, bunker play, and full swing. To enhance your putting skills, place the ball between the knees and forearms, this will improve putting stroke by reducing body movement. Features: -Promotes a more solid strike at impact -Reduction of wrist flopping -Teaches "connectivity" in the swing -Corrects the position of the hands and body at impact -One of the oldest and most widely used aids on the market -Proven to improve every aspect of your game, from drive to chip and pitch to putt
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Please allow between one and three business days for us to complete a Click & Collect Order.This timeframe is dependent on whether all the stock required for your order is available at your chosen store for collection or if it needs to be transferred from another branch.Please wait for the store to contact you to inform you that your order is ready for collection
Product Code: 1052461
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